
1. 概述[自学]
2. 路由协议[自学]
3. 表存储
1. 概述
2. 路由协议
2.1 路由发现和选择
2.2 路由保持和维护
2.3 路由期满
3. 表存储
[英文]The routing functions require the routers to maintain some tables.
3.1 路由表
[英文]Each ZigBee router, including the ZigBee coordinator, contains a routing table in which the device stores information required to participate in the routing of packets. Each routing table entry contains the destination address, the next hop node, and the link status. All packets sent to the destination address are routed through the next hop node. Also entries in the routing table can expire in order to reclaim table space from entries that are no longer in use.
[英文]Routing table capacity indicates that a device routing table has a free routing table entry or it already has a routing table entry corresponding to the destination address. The routing table size is configured in f8wconfig.cfg. Set MAX_RTG_ENTRIES to the number of entries in the (default is 40). See the section on Route Maintenance for route expiration details.
3.2 路由发现表
[英文]Router devices involved in route discovery, maintain a route discovery table. This table is used to store temporary information while a route discovery is in progress. These entries only last for the duration of the route discovery operation. Once an entry expires it can be used for another route discovery operation. Thus this value determines the maximum number of route discoveries that can be simultaneously performed in the network. This value is configured by setting the MAX_RREQ_ENTRIES in f8wconfig.cfg.
1. 概述
2. 路由发现
3. 路由记录
4. 路由维护
1. 概述
[英文]The following explains many-to-one and source routing procedure for users' better understanding of ZigBee routing protocol. In reality, all routings are taken care in the network layer and transparent to the application. Issuing many to-one route discovery and route maintenance are application decisions.
[英文]Many-to-one routing is adopted in ZigBee PRO to help minimize traffic particularly when centralized nodes are involved. It is common for low power wireless networks to have a device acting as a gateway or data concentrator. All nodes in the networks shall maintain at least one valid route to the central node. To achieve this, all nodes have to initiate route discovery for the concentrator, relying on the existing ZigBee AODV based routing solution. The route request broadcasts will add up and produce huge network traffic overhead. To better optimize the routing solution, many-to-one routing is adopted to allow a data concentrator to establish routes from all nodes in the network with one single route discovery and minimize the route discovery broadcast storm.
[中文]ZigBee PRO中采用的多对一路由协议有助于最小化网络上的流量,特别是当大量集中的节点参与进来的时候。通常有一个设备充当网关或者数据集中器[中心节点];网络中的所有节点需要至少维护一条到中心节点的有效路由;为了实现这个[需求],所有节点需要发起到中心节点的路由发现,[这个过程]它依赖于当前ZigBee路由解决方案采用的AODV路由协议。[显然]路由请求广播会持续增加并产生大量的网络流量开销。为了更好的优化路由方案,多对一路由使用一个简单的路由发现[报文]就可以创建到网络内所有节点的路由,[进而]将路由发现广播带来的广播风暴降到最低。
[英文]Source routing is part of the many-to-one routing that provides an efficient way for concentrator to send response or acknowledgement back to the destination. The concentrator places the complete route information from the concentrator to the destination into the data frame which needs to be transmitted. It minimizes the routing table size and route discovery traffic in the network.
2. 多对一路由发现
[英文]The following figure shows an example of the many-to-one route discovery procedure. To initiate many-to-one route discovery, the concentrator broadcast a many-to-one route request to the entire network. Upon receipt of the route request, every device adds a route table entry for the concentrator and stores the one hop neighbor that relays the request as the next hop address. No route reply will be generated.
图1 多对一路由发现过程
[英文]Many-to-one route request command is similar to unicast route request command with same command ID and payload frame format. The option field in route request is many-to-one and the destination address is 0xFFFC. The following Z-Stack API can be used for the concentrator to send out many-to-one route request. Please refer to the ZStack API [1] documentation for detailed usage about this API.
[中文]多对一路由请求命令和单播路由请求命令类似,使用相同的命令ID和帧结构;路由请求中的可选字段内容为多对一,目标地址为0XFFFC;集中器用下述的Z-Stack API发送多对一路由请求。更多使用细节,请参考ZStack API开发文档。
ZStatus_t NLME_RouteDiscoveryRequest( uint16 DstAddress, byte options, uint8 radius );
[英文]The option field is a bitmask to specify options for the route request. It can have the following values. When the option field has value 0x01 or 0x03, the DstAddress field will be overwritten with the many-to-one destination address 0xFFFC. Therefore, user can pass any value to DstAddress in the case of many-to-one route request.
value Description 说明
0x00 Unicast route discovery 单播路由发现
0x03 Many-to-one route discovery with route cache (the concentrator does not have memory constraints). 使用路由缓存的多对一路由发现
0x01 Many-to-one route discovery with no route cache (the concentrator has memory constraints) 不使用路由缓存的多对一路由发现
表1 可选字段取值范围
3. 路由记录命令
[英文]The above many-to-one route discovery procedure establishes routes from all devices to the concentrator. The reverse routing (from concentrator to other devices) is done by route record command (source routing scheme). The procedure of source routing is illustrated in Figure 3. R1 sends data packet DATA to the concentrator using the previously established many-to-one route and expects an acknowledgement back. To provide a route for the concentrator to send the ACK back, R1 sends route record command along with the data packet which records the routing path the data packet goes through and offers the concentrator a reverse path to send the ACK back.
[英文]Upon receipt of the route record command, devices on the relay path will append their own network addresses to the relay list in the route record command payload. By the time the route record command reaches the concentrator, it includes the complete routing path through which the data packet is relayed to the concentrator.
[英文]When the concentrator sends ACK back to R1, it shall include the source route (relay list) in the network layer header of the packet. All devices receiving the packet shall relay the packet to the next hop device according to the source route. For concentrator with no memory constraints, it can store all route record entries it receives and use them to send packets to the source devices in the future. Therefore, devices only need to send route record command once. However, for concentrator without source route caching capability, devices always need to send route record commands along with data packets. The concentrator will store the source route temporarily in the memory and then discard it after usage.
[英文]In brief, many-to-one routing is an efficient enhancement to the regular ZigBee unicast routing when most devices in the network are funneling traffic to a single device. As part of the many-to-one routing, source routing is only utilized under certain circumstances. First, it is used when the concentrator is responding to a request initiated by the source device. Second, the concentrator should store the source route information for all devices if it has sufficient memory. If not, whenever devices issue request to the concentrator, they should also send route record along with it.
图2 路由记录命令
4. 多对一路由维护
[英文]If a link failure is encountered while a device is forwarding a many-to-one routed frame (notice that a many-to-one routed frame itself has no difference from a regular unicast data packet, however, the routing table entry has a field to specify that the destination is a concentrator), the device will generate a network status command with code “Many-to-one route failure”. The network status command will be relayed to the concentrator through a random neighbor and hopefully that neighbor still has a valid route to the concentrator. When the concentrator receives the route failure, the application will decide whether or not to re-issue a many-to-one route request
[英文]When the concentrator receives network status command indicating many-to-one route failure, it passes the indication to the ZDO layer and the following ZDO callback function in ZDApp.c is called. By default, this function will redo a many-to-one route discovery to recover the routes. You can modify this function if you want a more complicated process other than the default.
void ZDO_ManytoOneFailureIndicationCB()
1. 多对一路由协议many-to-one中,many指的是谁?one指的是谁?
2. 多对一路由协议many-to-one中,使用的是专门的帧结构吗?
3. 源路由机制source routing中,source指的是谁?
4. 路由记录命令route record command中,记录的是什么?谁记录?